Friday, March 29
Elder Babcock’s body was dying. He had infection throughout his body: in the brain, ears, bones and blood. The liver and kidneys were not working well. Near the end of the mission fast, Dr. Carla Concha Fuentes, a medical specialist in infectious diseases, came and told me about his condition. She was bilingual and could explain everything that was happening. I felt that the doctor was a gift from God. I gave her a copy of Elder Babcock’s medical history that the doctors had ignored because they could not understand English. I also gave her a copy of Elder Babcock’s living will containing his desire not to have artificial life support if his body and mind were not working. I explained to the doctor the importance to Elder Babcock of his mission and that death is not as bad as living without the mind and the ability to be a missionary. I also explained to her about our eternal marriage and the Spirit World.
On Friday afternoon, March 29, I wrote a letter to my family and to the missionaries about my faith in the wisdom and love of God, and that I was willing to accept His will without fear. It was very important to me that no one have less faith because of the death of Elder Babcock. Sister Martinez and the assistant to the president helped me translate my message into Spanish for the missionaries and sent it to everyone in both Spanish and in English with the following introduction.
Queridos élderes y hermanas. Les agradezco por su ayuno y sus oraciones para mi compañero. He sentido las bendiciones del Señor. A veces la respuesta a una oración no es lo que queremos que sea. Pero sé que el Señor escucha nuestras oraciones y nos ayuda a sentirnos en paz con Su voluntad. He pedido a la Hermana Martinez que les enviará a los misioneros una copia de mi carta a mis hijos. Es difícil escribir de eso, pero importante que ustedes mantengan su fe y confianza en el Señor.
Hermana Babcock
The letter:
Querida Familia:
Esta es una carta muy difícil de escribir. Me gustaría hacerlo en persona. Agradezco su fe y sus oraciones en nombre de Elder Babcock. Yo he sentido el poder de la fe y bendiciones por sus oraciones.
Este es un tiempo de transferencia para Elder Babcock. El recibirá un nuevo compañero de misión. No sabemos cuan pronto sea o como será este cambio pero confío en que las decisiones están siendo realizadas por Nuestro Padre Celestial con gran amor y perfecto entendimiento de sus necesidades y las mías.
Hemos sido bendecidos con médicos competentes y preocupados. Cada cosa se está realizando como podría o como sería hecho en Lago Salado. Ayer en respuesta a muchas oraciones, una Infectóloga vino. Ella comenzó a coordinar la comunicación conmigo y otros doctores. Esto ayudó para saber lo que está pasando. Porque es muy difícil, especialmente para los doctores.
Elder Babcock y yo hemos escuchado el discurso de Elder Bednar acerca de Que no tengamos “que… desmayar”. Yo espero que quienes no hayan leído o escuchado el discurso, puedan hacerlo. El Señor ha estado preparándome para aceptar esta experiencia, con fe y confianza en Su voluntad y en su amor. Nuestro Dios es un Dios paciente. A menudo soy lenta para entender y aceptar. Yo espero que eso no sea duro para ustedes y que de alguna manera ustedes serán bendecidos al entender que ésta es una buena experiencia misional.
Les amo,
Su madre, abuela, amiga, hermana Babcock.
And for the missionaries who speak English:
Dear family,
This is a hard letter to write. I would rather talk with all of you in person. I thank you for your faith and prayers on behalf of Elder Babcock. I have felt the power of that faith and the blessings from your prayers.
It is transfer time for Elder Babcock. He will be getting a new missionary companion. We don’t know how soon or exactly how the transfer will take place, but I trust that the decisions are being made by our Heavenly Father with great love and a perfect understanding of his needs and mine.
We have been blessed with competent and concerned doctors. Everything is being done that could or would be done in Salt Lake City. Yesterday, in answer to many prayers, a bilingual doctor of infectious diseases came and has taken over coordinating communication with me and the other doctors It helps to understand what is happening. Why is more difficult, especially for the doctors.
Elder Babcock and I both listened to Elder Bednar’s talk about having the faith to not be healed. I hope that those of you, who have not heard or read his talk, will read it. The Lord has been preparing me to accept this experience, with faith and trust in His will and in His love. Our God is a patient God. I am often slow to understand and accept. I hope that it will not be hard for you, and that in some way you will all be blessed to understand that this is a good missionary experience.
I love you,
Your mother, grandma and friend, Jane, Sister Hermana Babcock
When I checked into the hostel at night, they asked me, how is your husband, I said,
”He is dying.”
Elder Wood wrote his impressions of a blessing President Martinez gave Elder Babcock earlier on Friday:
My companion and I came here for the first time on March 29. We did not know what to expect, but when I saw Elder Babcock connected to all [the] machines that almost broke my heart. We were able to give a blessing to the sick with President Martinez, the only time that has happened to me. I remember his words of blessing: “We rebuke the virus,” something I had not heard said in any blessing. And the virus was rebuked.
On the evening of Friday March 29th, my daughter-in-law Sarah Babcock shared with me a story of her father, a doctor, who had the experience of giving nourishment to a six year old girl who was in a coma for a long time. Other doctors had said it was a useless effort.. After that girl’s graduation from college, she and her mother came to thank the doctor for his faith in her recovery.
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