Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10

Yesterday was an exercise day. We walked further than we ever had, with one sit down stop and one lean against the fence. Elder Babcock has been able to shower, shave and dress independently. Today is supposed to be a rainy day, so I may drive us to the mall and park close to the escalator, which is actually a moving ramp, up to the Jumbo cafeteria. 

Medications seem to cause acid stomach, and that has been a challenge.  The hostel seems almost like luxury camping with everything in a small area. I think the biggest advantage is that it is easy to keep track of each other and we have no social obligations.  I was going to say no obligations of any kind, but life doesn't work like that. There are always obligations to God, to family, to neighbors, to each other and to ourselves.

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