Mission president and his wife and Elder and Sister Benson the office couple and a new mission nurse and her husband were here on Thursday. Ken doesn't remember, but he got a blessing then too.
Much better this morning. Rational talk. Can communicate needs. Dr. Rivas said I could give him more Keppra but I didn't and won't.
Zone leaders brought the sacrament yesterday afternoon and gave him a blessing. It was then I remembered Keppra withdrawal. Explanations help. I am going to Victoria this morning. Zone leaders are coming at 9 for 3 hours.

Our Temuco Zone Leaders
Elder Babcock decided that Elder Weiss looks like Elder Bednar and Elder Montenegro looks like Nicolas Cage. They visited us many days. They were my backup when I needed to go to Victoria and they brought the sacrament every Sunday. Sweet men. Elder Montenegro had never heard of Nicholas Cage.
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