History of a Miracle Part 4
Home again and Complete Recovery
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
It has been a
very good flight. We were all able to get some sleep. Up early for bathroom and
breakfast. The doctor has done most of the bathroom assistance. We found a lot of family waiting at the airport. Here is
one report shared by Deborah:
Becca, Chris, and Simon were
already at the airport and waiting when we arrived. Mom and Dad's bishop
arrived soon after we did. Mom and Dad's flight was early (10:12 landing) but
they didn't come downstairs to where we were waiting for a little more than a
half hour. In that time, John and Jen and family, Emma, and Steven and Alysa
and Laura all arrived. John, Evelyn, and Mezgeb went up on the elevator just as
Mom and Dad reached it. They road down with Dad while Mom walked down the
stairs. Simon made a welcome home sign. We all gave hugs.
They both seemed very happy and
much more awake than I expected them to be. The mission doctor looked tired,
but relieved. We walked over to the luggage area and then it seemed all too
soon when it was time to leave. Becca took them to the hospital. Dad seems
really well though. I was happily surprised. So maybe they won't need to stay
at the hospital.
The biggest impression I got was a sense of peace. It all felt so right to see them here. Dad emits humility and light. Mom just seemed so happy. They both did. Dad mentioned a little difficulty remembering names, but seemed to recognize everyone and cared to give everyone a hug. An airport assistant was pushing the wheelchair. She inadvertently got Dad separated from Mom for a little while Mom was going through bags and finding what they needed to take to the hospital. "Would you mind taking me over there?" he asked the attendant so nicely. He wanted to be closer to Mom.
It was wonderful to see them and also to be in the airport with all of us together.

Our bishop is on the left talking with our youngest daughter. I didn’t know bishops came to the airport.

The biggest impression I got was a sense of peace. It all felt so right to see them here. Dad emits humility and light. Mom just seemed so happy. They both did. Dad mentioned a little difficulty remembering names, but seemed to recognize everyone and cared to give everyone a hug. An airport assistant was pushing the wheelchair. She inadvertently got Dad separated from Mom for a little while Mom was going through bags and finding what they needed to take to the hospital. "Would you mind taking me over there?" he asked the attendant so nicely. He wanted to be closer to Mom.
It was wonderful to see them and also to be in the airport with all of us together.

Our bishop is on the left talking with our youngest daughter. I didn’t know bishops came to the airport.

Granddaughters are comparing unintentional matching green
nail polish. Waiting.
We were met by our
family at the airport, four of our eight children and their families. Ken came down the elevator and I took the escalator
with Mezgeb, our new Ethiopian granddaughter.
Our daughter Becca continued to send updates
to our family Facebook group:
We are in the emergency room now at
the U.
On the way up, Dad was concerned
about not having a phone or car. Thanks to Steven, they have a working cell
phone. When I said there is a car here at the hospital, he said "Why?
What's wrong with it?" Sense of humor intact. : )
Doctor is here now. Was surprised
at the massive pile of medical records.
The neurologist and a 4th year
neurologist student just left. They did an exam and just left with the huge
pile of records from Chile. They are going to have to have them translated and
review them, and then they'll come back and talk to us more.
We don't know for sure yet if he
will be admitted, but mom thinks he will be. Mom said she needs to stay here
until they know what's going on for sure. I need to leave in about half an hour
to take Simon to football.
when I was there, the neurologists think his problems are primarily from
something called SIADH. It explains a lot. They were going to do a spinal tap,
then send them home.
Sounds like they will be coming
home tonight.
were assured that our home was ready to come home to. The family had done what they could to
prepare for our return, but we had locked the doors to the two bedrooms
upstairs, and I knew there were some things that I would have to take care of
before we could move back in. Our daughter Deborah Koehler offered her home to
us for as long as we needed it. She became the one to report on us.
As soon as they can leave the
hospital (hopefully soon) they will be coming to stay the night at my house. I
have dinner ready for them and a bed. They're hungry and very tired. Tomorrow
Mom will go to the house and get it ready for them. I will continue to update.
Dad will stay here while Mom gets the house ready. I'm so glad.
Still not here yet. I'll let you
know when they arrive.
Arrived safely ten minutes ago or
so. Tired and hungry and eating, but happy and talkative. Mom is encouraged by
the information she received today. [We got there about 9:15 p.m.]
It has been quiet in the basement. Hopefully
that means they've been sleeping well. Lately, the children have been sleeping
in until 9 or 10 so it will stay quiet for a while. I just wish it was warmer
downstairs. I gave Mom an extra blanket.
While they ate, it was fun to hear
about some of the foods Mom and Dad ate in Chile and the way people said
things. I'm still impressed by how awake they were this evening despite their
very long day. Apparently, they drained fluid from Dad's spinal column today
which lowers the pressure on his brain and should help things get better very
quickly. He walked all the way down our stairs and down a long hallway with
little need for support. It's so good to have them here. I hope they sleep
[Notes written the next morning.] It has been amazing to be able to talk to doctors in English and ask questions and understand their answers. We spent 9 or 10 hours in the emergency room yesterday. Because it is a teaching hospital we had opportunities to talk to many different neurologists and neurologists in training and I could ask all of my questions. We were not admitted to the hospital, but they did a procedure that resulted in dramatic improvement in mobility. Ken will be able to function at home and get out patient help. We look forward to continuing improvement.
We will be sleeping at Koehlers tonight. They did the lumber puncture. We have to wait for them to have time to give me instructions about a 24 hour urine sample. They have diagnosed two conditions that should give us potential for great and immediate improvement.
President Newbold came by for a release interview while we were still in the hospital. He instructed us to leave on our missionary badges until we go to bed tonight. He was still in town helping with a family medical situation. We feel greatly blessed and happy to be home.
They did a lumbar puncture last night and removed a lot of spinal fluid and pressure. That is why the improvement this morning.
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