Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, April 19

A new MRI today, the MRI he was not able to get last week, which means no lunch.

Dr. Rivas stopped two of the drugs. He told Elder Babcock some of his medications could cause nightmares. But he slept well or does not remember any nightmare.

He walked around the atrium, which was at the center of this wing. He walked fast with one step after another, working very diligently at it. It would have been easier if he tried to be more relaxed and enjoy the walk. But it was clear progress.

Elder Babcock had decided that now he liked the sides of the bed so he could prepare himself to move around. A nurse pulled the catheter. He did not understand the warning about what she was doing and had no time to worry about it. I thought it would be okay this time. The big push was for mobility and now without the hindrance of the catheter, the challenges were intravenous tubes and weak legs.

When Dr. Concha entered Elder Babcock was sitting on the couch in front of the computer. He could hear well enough to hold a conversation. She was almost speechless. She was seeing what had happened while she was in Santiago and although she had consulted with the doctors here, the difference was truly miraculous. She said even her family asks about him.

Elder Babcock was looking at email and reading about the money being stolen. I returned early tonight. Dark, but a lot of people. I had been walking through the mall every night. There were street musicians and shoppers. The streets were very busy.

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