Saturday, April 16, 2016

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16

It was so good to see new blogs to show Elder Babcock this morning.  Some of the trees are beginning to show autumn colors, but there are still many beautiful flowers.

Elder Babcock was using the computer this morning.

The bell to call the nurse broke last night, very frustrating for Elder Babcock. They were fixing the bell now. He was more willing for me to take the computer with me when I go, so it would be more secure.

When I returned from a walk at lunchtime, Elder Babcock's feet were tied to the bottom of the bed. He had tried to stand up by himself. He did not speak loud enough or clearly enough for the nurses to understand him and he could not understand what they were saying. I often translated in both directions. He was generally cooperative, but he was frustrated. After he asked me to please untie him, he told me, "I was a bad boy."

Now he was sitting in a wheelchair in the sun coming through the window, very content. The walker won’t come until tomorrow.

He had high blood sugar so he was still receiving insulin injections. Also he was still getting injections for thrombosis, both in the stomach tonight instead of intravenous ports tonight. The nurse said the level of sodium in the blood was normal now. Good things. 7:00 more soup and applesauce.

He brushes his teeth by himself, and feeds himself now. I could see how a helper could keep someone dependent. Eating is hard exercise. Dr. Rivas spoke of things we would do in a couple of weeks. I was learning a lot about patient care and yes, I see it sometimes helps.

It was interesting that Elder Babcock could remember people who were important to him that we have encountered since we arrived but could not remember them in context.

There was a fold out bed in intermediate care but the room was too busy for me to sleep here at night. The regular room should have one too and should be quieter. One day at a time.

Dr. Rivas was here. He expects Elder Babcock to be able to walk out of the clinic and be able to function at home. His body could recover 80% of its function and he shouldn't need a cane. Elder Babcock thought he would need a wheelchair. There are no rehabilitation or therapy centers in Chile, but there is a lot of therapy in clinics and hospitals. Our own house in Victoria will help Elder Babcock's memory.

My report to President Martinez:

"Elder Babcock is improving every day, stronger in body and mind. Sometimes he can only see his weaknesses, with no memory of his previous condition. He will need a lot of patience.
Hermana Babcock"

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