Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday April 14, 2013

Elder Ramirez and Elder Ferwerda

Busy morning. Almost the first thing he said was that he wanted me to remove the straps. Babcock Elder's hands were tied at night. He said the prayer and blessing on the food. We can hold a conversation. He thought that the gold wall hooks were lizards, but understood when I showed him. He cooperated with the physiical therapist.

Dr. Rivas did another doppler scan. It was the most normal so far. Elder Babcock could not remember his age today, but could calculate it from the year. The doctor wanted Elder Babcock to do things to recover the memory.

We talked a bit about the Elder Babcock’s invisible people. He thinks his mom was here. Later I realized that maybe she was here on a mission from the spirit world to help her son through a difficult time. He wanted me to go for a walk with invisible people and then gave me a welcome as if I had returned.
He was writing a book in his mind. This Sunday was better that I stay here for meals and tests and to talk to him instead of going to the chapel for sacrament meeting.

They moved him to a chair and helped him get out and stand in front of a bar. His legs were very stiff and sore from being in bed so long. But he wanted to sit on the couch and was able to sit up straight. He was very tired. He had become increasingly stubborn, but he cooperated.

He was beginning to worry about me walking alone. I did not know how long I could hide the fact that I walked home alone at night. He didn’t like that I walked alone in the day. I would tell him that there are plenty of people around.

He was very weak. They pushed him to exercise and he got very tired. Getting to the bathroom at night remained a major challenge. That was his great motivation. He had been so bad in recent days that nurses didn’t help him get out of bed, but today they did. We were starting again.

He was very weak. They pushed him to exercise and he was very tired. Getting to the bathroom at night was still a great challenge. That was his great motivation. He had been so bad in recent days that nurses did not help getting out of bed, but they did today. We were beginning again.

President Martinez wanted him to be able to go to the conference on April 17. This prayer wasn't answered, but the Lord gave us other blessings.  Now it took about three people to help him instead of five.  I was trying to learn as much about patient care as I could.  I still didn't know what the options were. A nursing home in Salt Lake City didn't seem right.  A miracle would be better.

I learned that Elder Babcock's memory didn't include some purchases we had made before our mission. He asked me to bring his shaving kit, and he expected his brown bag. I told him the zipper broke and he had a new one. He wanted his sleeping mask, and was surprised to see the fluorescent pink one that he had been using in Chile.

I made a quick trip to Victoria tonight to pick up clothes. I called the Elders to be with him while I was gone. Elder White who was here two days ago was overwhelmed by the improvement. We all are.

He wanted to keep the computer with him to work on a database. I told him that I kept it with me for safety. He said he would put it under the covers. I said, “You have a busy bed and your only job now is to remember.” He said he was working on it. Hard work.

Elder Babcock was happy that the elders were going to walk me home tonight. I hoped I could avoid getting him stressed. It would be difficult because doctors often make their final rounds quite late. The research I had done spoke of with a wide range of outcomes from death to full recovery with lots in between. We would live one day at a time with faith and hope and wait patiently.

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