Thursday, April 18

A picture of my message and a list of all our children and grandchildren and Luanna photos and a timeline of the last four years. Everyone stopped to look and ask about Emma's wedding and the red socks.
One of the nurses asked permission to bring the wife of another patient to see it, because her husband needed similar help.
Elder Babcock finally got Quaker Oats for breakfast. Communication with the nutritionist was impossible for Elder Babcock and a challenge for me.
He used a walker, the donkey, in the room today, but felt embarrassed for not shaving and when his diaper fell down. The physical therapist suggested I bring pajama pants and she told him that he could always wear a mask. He also wanted to hide the catheter under his robe. Poor private Elder Babcock. Being clean shaven is the missionary mindset.
I went to Victoria to get the medications I had for bladder infection and some other things. He didn't miss me, but the oatmeal was cold and hard when I returned.
I spoke by phone with Dr. Concha, who had been kept informed of Elder Babcock's condition, but was busy with presentations. I realized that they might be able to remove the catheter. No one had mentioned the possibility. She said she had planned to come tomorrow night and now had a good reason. She would investigate the situation and decide.
There was no pressure for me to stay in the clinic and sleep, but it was an option. I did not tell Elder Babcock. He wanted me in the clinic day and night. But it was nice to come back to the hostel and take a hot shower.
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