Monday, April 2
I wrote a thank you letter to the missionaries in the Chile Concepción Sur mission:
Dear Elders and Sisters,
I will try to express my love and gratitude for your prayers and fasting. Last week, before the mission fast, Elder Babcock was truly dying. His body was preparing to leave this life. The organs were not working well, and the infection continued. The doctors told me of the certainty of his death. I spoke with them about the Spirit World and that I did not want my husband to continue his life on breathing machines with a mind that wasn’t functioning. I wrote to my children about his death, and we were preparing for this eventuality.
Then after the fast, the doctors told me that everything changed and Elder Babcock’s body began to improve. I have had the support of many elders and sisters with language and communication with doctors. The Lord sent me a bilingual physician to coordinate treatment and explain my questions to other physicians and to explain Elder Babcock’s medical history to doctors who did not speak English.
On Monday morning the first day of April, Elder Babcock squeezed my hand, and when the doctor arrived, Elder Babcock woke up for the first time. Since then, he has improved a lot and continues to progress. Elder Babcock has not spoken, but has acknowledged people, smiled, and wanted to talk and communicate. There is a lot of pain, but he has had good and caring doctors. Doctors hope that we can remove the respirator in three days.
We give thanks to God and President Martinez and his family and all missionaries in Chile Concepción South.
With love,
Sister Babcock
In the early morning hours of April 2, after prayer and meditation I wrote twelve goals. I wanted the gospel to be preached in the hostel where I was staying and for us to have influence for good there and in the branch in Temuco as well as in Victoria. I wanted us to go to the temple in Santiago with members who had attended our temple preparation class.
I felt that Elder Babcock would immediately be able to show his love for God and for me and recover little by little in a way that would help others have more faith in God and show His power. I would have the gift of tongues sufficient to communicate with doctors without needing the elders always at the clinic for me, except to show the love and support of the mission. We could write a blog in Spanish to preach the gospel.
I wrote: “We will fulfill our mission and return with perfect health. This experience will be a blessing to our family and a glorious experience. Satan doesn’t want any of this to happen, but if we have enough faith and humility it will.”
At the clinic, Elder Babcock seemed aware that our daughter and I were with him. He kept opening his eyes and turning his head. He looked back and forth between us and smiled. He had been happy Luanna was here. He could also lift the left leg, which he didn’t do yesterday. We were playing music and encouraging him to rest. Sometimes he answered when nurses came to do tests and sometimes not. Dr. Rivas woke him with a loud voice, lifting his eyelids.
Luanna taught Elder Babcock a family tradition that three squeeze of the hand means I love you. He squeezed my hand a lot. When he was awake he lifted his forehead and eyebrows. He usually has more facial expression than most people. The breathing tube in his mouth was about two centimeters in diameter, so he did not try to talk.
The helpers at the clinic seemed busy doing things with him, so in the afternoon I drove my daughter to Victoria to see our house, pay the Internet bill, and collect the things I needed. We were glad that the elders were in the hospital so they could communicate with us if they needed anything.
I wrote in my blog: only a week
So much has happened and continues to happen. Ken continues to improve. We are greatly blessed. Missionary support continues. There is another mission- wide fast for Ken's complete recovery that started after lunch today. Four elders walked us home tonight carrying things we had picked up in Victoria today. Luanna is with me and is a wonderful support. Fever was down to 100.4 without Tylenol. They will take more spinal fluid tonight.
Doctor Concha came tonight and Ken was awake for her. They are trying to wean Ken off the respirator. One doctor said 3 days. One said tomorrow. He is getting a lot of good nursing. They didn't make me leave tonight when they changed his position and checked his skin. The nurses are talking to me more. I think it is easier for them now that the doctors are more hopeful.
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