Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3

Funny how adaptable people are, how boredom can creep up on us, but life conspires to make things interesting. I think the feeling of being acted upon leads to boredom. I'm not sure though.
Elder Babcock just walked five times around the circle. Today he tried walking in regular shoes rather than too big slippers.
One of our children mentioned that our insurance may have a maximum copay. He is trying not to be stressed, but stress is not easily avoided.

We are really getting ready to leave the clinic. Dr. Rivas came in and said:  “Tomorrow you get an MRI, Sunday we watch you and Monday you go home.”   Dr. Concha came in with the same message. They are in agreement. Elder Babcock kept trying to get them to tell him what would make it not happen. Dr. Riva said, you would know before we would. Or in other words there would have to be a dramatic change for the worse. They have been busily trying to change all remaining medications and treatments to ones that can be given orally. Dr. Concha is worried about his weight.  He is down to about 135 pounds. She recommends Ensure twice a day.

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