Friday, May 6, 2016

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday, May 6 

The men helped a lot when Elder Babcock couldn’t walk. Elder Babcock spoke about the Gospel with many workers in clinical and gave some the Book of Mormon.

For us, the most important man was Dr. Rivas, the neurologist. He had a strong desire that Elder Babcock be able to walk out of the clinic. He had faith in the counsel of doctors working together for a patient. Their councils were blessed by God.

Leaving the clinic was not an easy process.  There were so many different people that had to pass off on Ken's health being good enough.  In some cases that meant more tests.  The Transcranial Doppler Scanner last night showed up more arrhythmia in the heart, so he got fitted with a Monitor Holter or heart monitor to wear for 24 hours.  They did more blood work. We had a full course in diet and nutrition from the head nutritionist with the help of a young nutritionist to translate.

The nutritionists were really concerned that Elder Babcock had lost more than nine kilos (19 pounds) while he was at the clinic. And although he did not have diabetes, side effects of medications included blood glucose and the need for restrictions on sugar. We also left with more than five kilos [eleven pounds] of original medical records, all of the MRIs and CAT scan results and a lot of paper. We also had instructions to return to Clínica Alemana for follow-up appointments with the doctors.

The last photo as a patient in the Clinic, Elder Babcock is seated in a wheel chair. He didn’t need it for himself but to carry all of the things from six weeks of hospitalization.

My report to President Martinez:

Finalmente a las cinco de la tarde, Elder Babcock recibió autorización para salir la clínica. Tuvimos muchas páginas de instrucciones y ocho medicamentos diferentes. Elder Babcock tenía un monitor holter para 24 horas y necesitamos visitar el cardiólogo en la mañana. Los médicos quieren controles en 7-10 días.

Estamos felices juntos en el hostal y cansados. Gracias otra vez para su gran apoyo y oraciones. Estamos en una calle nueva en la senda de la recuperación total.

Con Amor
Hermana Babcock 

In English:

Finally at five in the afternoon, Elder Babcock received authorization to leave the clinic.  We had many pages of instructions and eight different medications.  Elder Babcock had a holter heart monitor to wear for 24 hours and we need to see the cardiologist in the morning.  The doctors want follow-up appointments in 7 to 10 days. 

We are happy together in the hostel and tired.  Thank you again for your great support and prayers.  We are on a new street on the way to total recovery.

With love
Sister Babcock

It was Monday. In Chile all weeks start on Monday, the first box in each row of the calendar. For us this was the first day of a new phase in our mission. Missionaries are excited about new places. Elders and sisters sectors changed the day we arrived at the clinic. Tomorrow some of them will be transferred. We have been here for one transfer. Interesting that six weeks is the minimum stay for a missionary. We will be going from Clínica Alemana to the hostel Pewman Ruka, two blocks north on the same street. Our stay at the hostel will not be as long, but an opportunity to transition.

Elder Babcock was very pleased with the hostel. We felt it was a great blessing. We hope that in the future people in the hostel are more prepared to hear the gospel because of our stay there. I had the opportunity of attending church at the chapel in Temuco five times, the last time with my husband. He had the strength to give the opening prayer in sacrament meeting and I had the opportunity to share my testimony about the importance of the eternal family. I felt the great support from the branch and their prayers for Elder Babcock. March 6 was to be the end of the history of the miracle that President Martinez asked me to complete in Spanish. But, the story and the miracles continued.

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